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EN English

Bsrs Empire

Online 21 Total Members 21 Online 21 Total Members
All 103 Total Members 103 All 103 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Bsrs Empire - сервер для общения и игр. Наш сервер был создан 03.01.2022. Сама же Империя существует с 04.09.2020. Нашими особенностями являются: Наличие NSFW канала с автоматическим ботом. Опытная администрация и модерация. Грамотно настроенные боты для обеспечения комфорта для пользователей. Наличие самых разных каналов. А также готовность принять всех заинтересованных В основном мы играем в такие игры, как: Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, Rimworld. Bsrs Empire - интернациональный сервер. Главным (не обязательным) условием нахождения на нём является знание русского языка, без него большинство пользователей скорее всего вас не поймёт. Можно обойтись и без него, но зачем создавать трудности пользователям? Мы направлены во все стороны! Серди наших участников есть самые разные люди. Вы спокойно сможете влиться в беседы и найти себе новых друзей! Мы всегда активно развиваемся и готовы принимать ваши идеи! Наш сервер оснащён форумами. В том числе и торговым форумом. Сервер имеет защиту от спама и флуда благодаря ботам. Также у нас есть специальные каналы для разного рода конфликтов там вы всегда можете разобраться с кем-либо задействуя некоторые нарушения правил. Также у нас есть собственная псих. лечебница в рамках сервера. Все крайне непослушные участники отправляются туда. :) При заходе не забудьте прочитать правила! На нашем Discord сервере вы можете найти: Система уровней и множество ролей! Вся администрация проходит строгий набор и проверку временем! Сервер активно развивается, вы тоже можете внести вклад в развитие! Среднестатистические правила Discord серверов (с некоторыми изменениями). Мы всегда готовы принять всех: Обычных людей. Пиар менеджеров. Программистов. Торговцев. Ютуберов. Игроделов. Мы всегда поможем вам так, как можем. Геймеров. Фурри. Не фурри. Людей других национальностей. И т.д., и т.п. Среди нас есть игроки таких игр, как: Minecraft, Terraria, Rust, Roblox, World of Tanks, Among Us, Genshin Impact, Mindustry, Strabound и прочих замечательных игр! Вы всегда сможете найти себе напарника или же просто поговорить о вашей любимой игре в наших чатах! А также у нас есть голосовые чаты, где вы всегда можете послушать музыку, посмотреть стримы, поговорить с кем-либо, можете вообще начать стримить на нашем сервере! А если же вы любите конфликты в голосовых чатах, мы готовы предоставить вам специальный чат для голосовых срачей! Только у нас! Вы можете приобрести Steam лицензию Starbound всего за 350 рублей! Заходите, покупайте, оставляйте отзывы) Мы ценим наших участников и понимаем, что именно благодаря вам, самым обычным людям мы можем развиваться и постигать новые вершины! По этому, главная концепция Bsrs Empire в том, что народ тоже может управлять сервером. Народ может избирать администрацию и модерацию, народ может принимать различные решения (например о внесении поправок в правила). Мы не просто не ограничиваем вас, а даём вам некоторую свободу. И мы надеемся на то, что вы останетесь с нами надолго. Мы предоставляем вам множество бесплатных и платных услуг! Например вы можете оформить бесплатную подписку на наши мемы. Или же купить личную категорию, например для вашего Youtube канала. Мы всегда готовы к заключению партнёрок! У нас есть самые разные каналы. Например, если вы токсик и хотите устроит с кем-либо скандал, вы всегда можете сделать это в специальном чате для срачей. Или же, если вы желаете посмотреть NSFW(18+) контент(реальный, ****, фурри, R34 и много чего другого), вы всегда можете воспользоваться нашим NSFW чатом (достаточно только получить спец. роль в канале "〘🌐〙получение-роли"! Благодаря развитию ботов, в наших NSFW чатах вы сможете смотреть всё, что угодно. Мы не ограничиваем и не запрещаем просмотри каких-либо видов контента. Всё зависит только от вас и от ваших интересов. Мы предоставляем вам обширную свободу, в рамках которой на нашем сервере вы можете делать всё то, что не нарушает правила сервера. Также мы готовы принимать вашу критику и становится лучше! Мы готовы помогать вам и изучать новые интересные вещи вместе с вами! Мы всегда стремимся сделать наш сервер лучше и принимать вашу критику! Например: Вы зашли на сервер и вам что-то не понравилось. Вы можете написать нам в канал для предложений об этом. Остальные участники сервера рассмотрят вашу просьбу а администрация улучшит сервер) В итоге и вы с нами, и условия на сервере вам подходят.
EN English

HOT SHOT | 18+

Online 353 Total Members 353 Online 353 Total Members
All 11 162 Total Members 11 162 All 11 162 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Join our 18+ NSFW Discord for adult dating, BDSM, erotic selfies, sexy webcam chats, XXX anime, e-girl fun and chill! Our 21+ / 25+ / 30+ community Discord, dedicated to sharing photo and video content! Join us to socialize, hangout, and explore various interests including ****, kink and ****. Our server is active and social, with horny members sharing their nude photos.
EN English

Froggy Planet 🐸

Online 948 Total Members 948 Online 948 Total Members
All 3 893 Total Members 3 893 All 3 893 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Froggy Planet 🐸 Froggy Planet is a server for frogs 🐸 to chat and chill freely We offer you.. ✨ 2000+ Friendly Members 🎉 Giveaways & Events 🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly 🤗 SFW Server 🗣️ 24/7 AI chatting bot 🍪 Very good feedback 🤖 Unique Systems 🐸 Cute emojis & stickers 🤑 Fun roles We are looking for 😎 Partners 👉 You 👥 Staff 🔗 https://discord.gg/cn4Q7b9Qrc
EN English

Negative zone

Online 4 Total Members 4 Online 4 Total Members
All 10 Total Members 10 All 10 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Мы вынуждены выживать в мире лицемеров прячущих за маской доброжелательности подлость ложь и жестокость. Многие люди предают друг друга. Я это знаю как никто другой, знаю об этом потому что с самого детства жил в этой обстановке и был вынужден это терпеть. Я честный 17-летний парень из Украины, я не скрываю правды и смотрю на мир каким он есть на самом деле - беспощадным и безразличным, но к сожалению - я одинок. Повидал я поверьте не мало, и поэтому - решил создать сервер для людей чтобы они могли выпустить негатив и общаться откровенно, по моему опыту скажу, это облегчает - быть выслушанным и понятым. Никаких банальных уклонов в сторону стилей серверов по типу: "Ня~ Аниме UwU", "Ламповая атмосфера", "Найди девушку, лав румы", где на тебя всем плевать, где тебе даже привет никто не скажет или где тебе прийдётся носить маску, чтоб угодить обществу и не отличаться от остальных. Это простой сервер без ролей, без какой-либо иерархии и предвзятого отношения или строя. Негатив нужно высвобождать, а не прятать внутри, иначе душа будет чёрной как гудрон и не смирение и обида будут медленно съедать изнутри выпивая все соки. Здесь вас действительно примут как родного, ВЫ НЕ БУДЕТЕ ПРОИГНОРИРОВАНЫ! ВАС ЖДУТ, ЗДЕСЬ, СЕЙЧАС! Итак... вы готовы выпустить негатив и быть выслушанными? Вы готовы получить поддержку и понимание? Вы готовы быть приняты в нашу маленькую семью? Тогда до встречи на нашем сервере, если же нет, желаем найти умиротворение. 1) ПЕРЕД ВХОДОМ НА СЕРВЕР ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ СОБЕСЕДОВАНИЕ - ПРОВЕРКА, В ТЕКСТОВОЙ ФОРМЕ 2) Вас низа что не будут игнорировать! 3) Честное общение 4) Адекватность 5) Простой сервер (но есть боты для повышения комфорта на сервере) 6) Осуждается фашизм, не приветствуется национализм, ЛГБТ, агрессия и оскорбления в сторону участников сервера 7) СЕРВЕР НЕ МЁРТВ (01.10.2024) 8) Приветствуются хобби, творчество, порядок, аниме 9) Ознакомьтесь с правилами на сервере, это важно!*
EN English

Chill Lounge 💫

Online 51 Total Members 51 Online 51 Total Members
All 94 Total Members 94 All 94 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Присоединяйтесь к нашему Discord-серверу и откройте для себя новый мир общения! Вы ищете место, где можно свободно общаться, заводить новых друзей и находить единомышленников? Тогда наш сервер — именно то, что вам нужно! Мы создали уютное и дружелюбное сообщество, где каждый найдет себе компанию по интересам. Что вас ждет на нашем сервере? Активное сообщество: Наш сервер активно растет и развивается. У нас всегда кто-то онлайн, и вы никогда не останетесь без собеседника. Разнообразие каналов: Мы предлагаем множество текстовых и голосовых каналов на различные тематики. Здесь вы найдете все: от обсуждения любимых сериалов и игр до серьезных философских дискуссий. Ивенты и конкурсы: Регулярно проводим интересные мероприятия, викторины и конкурсы с приятными призами. Участвуйте и выигрывайте! Удобная навигация: Четко структурированные каналы помогут вам легко найти то, что вам интересно. Мы заботимся о том, чтобы ваше пребывание на сервере было максимально комфортным. Добрая администрация: Наша команда модераторов всегда готова помочь и ответить на любые вопросы. Мы следим за порядком и создаем дружелюбную атмосферу. Роли и достижения: Зарабатывайте роли и достижения, участвуя в жизни сервера. Станьте частью нашей истории и внесите свой вклад в развитие сообщества. Почему стоит выбрать именно наш сервер? На нашем сервере мы ценим каждого участника и стремимся создать атмосферу, в которой вы сможете чувствовать себя как дома. Мы уверены, что здесь вы найдете настоящих друзей и получите массу положительных эмоций. Как присоединиться? Присоединиться к нашему серверу очень просто! Просто нажмите на приглашение ниже и следуйте инструкциям: Просто нажмите на кнопку «Зайти»/«Присоединится» Не упустите возможность стать частью нашего замечательного сообщества! Мы ждем именно вас! Присоединяйтесь к нам прямо сейчас и начните общение, которое запомнится надолго! Join our Discord server and dive into a whole new world of communication! Looking for a place to chill, make new friends, and find like-minded peeps? Our server is just what you need! We’ve built a cozy and friendly community where everyone can find their vibe. What’s in store for you on our server? Active community: Our server is growing and popping off. There’s always someone online, so you’ll never be left hanging. Variety of channels: We’ve got tons of text and voice channels covering all sorts of topics. Whether it’s your favorite shows, games, or deep philosophical chats, we’ve got you covered. Events and contests: We regularly host fun events, quizzes, and contests with cool prizes. Join in and show off your skills! Easy navigation: Our well-organized channels make it easy to find what you’re interested in. We’re all about making your experience smooth and enjoyable. Friendly mods: Our team of mods is always here to help and answer any questions. We keep things chill and friendly. Roles and achievements: Earn roles and achievements by being active. Be a part of our story and help us grow! Why choose our server? We value every member and strive to create a place where you feel at home. We’re sure you’ll find real friends here and have a blast. How to join? Joining our server is super easy! Just click the invite link below and follow the steps: Just click the «Join» button Don’t miss out on becoming part of our awesome community! We’re waiting for you! Join us now and start making memories that’ll last!
EN English

Invisible Squad

Online 31 Total Members 31 Online 31 Total Members
All 140 Total Members 140 All 140 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Welcome to our Discord server dedicated to programming and personal development! Here, you will find a community of like-minded individuals ready to help, share experiences, and support you in your endeavors. We discuss various programming languages and share useful resources. Join us to improve your skills, find inspiration, and reach new heights in the world of technology and personal growth!
EN English


Online 46 Total Members 46 Online 46 Total Members
All 1 120 Total Members 1 120 All 1 120 Total Members
In voice 1 Total Member 1 In voice 1 Total Member
Retrogaming community -- reddit news tagged retrogaming in chat -- dank memer autoposting memes -- frog game avaiable -- leaderboards with user banners -- youtube videos from 10 different retrogaming sources
EN English


Online 23 Total Members 23 Online 23 Total Members
All 29 Total Members 29 All 29 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Akira — это игровой Discord-сервер, где можно общаться, играть с командой и просто хорошо проводить время.
EN English

Midnight Whispers

Online 1 934 Total Members 1 934 Online 1 934 Total Members
All 41 772 Total Members 41 772 All 41 772 Total Members
In voice 1 Total Member 1 In voice 1 Total Member
⋆∙∙∙⋆☾∙∘∙ WELCOME TO MIDNIGHT WHISPERS ∙∘∙☽⋆∙∙∙⋆ You've heard the whisper... Cum find out who's calling! ☾ Reasons to Join ☽ ★ Lovense Affiliation and Discounts ★ Lovense Control Channels Including Anonymous Link Posting Via Bot ★ Personalized Creatable VC's (open / closed / sleepcall VCs) ★ Server Giveaways (Lovense toy raffle random, nitro basic, custom roles, VIP channels) ⋆ Server Hosted Games Nights ⋆ Monthly/Seasonal Events (with prizes/special Role) ⋆ Purchasable / Gifted Custom Roles and VIP Channels ∘ ID Locked NSFW Area (18+) ∘ Verified Member Special Perks ∘ And Much More
EN English

Banana Bunch

Online 49 Total Members 49 Online 49 Total Members
All 113 Total Members 113 All 113 Total Members
In voice 1 Total Member 1 In voice 1 Total Member
🍌~Welcome to Banana Bunch~🍌 Banana Bunch is a banana-themed DID-centered server. We are strictly 18+. You're 17 and your birthday is in a month? Come back once you're 18. We are also anti-endo, but welcoming of singlets, traumagenic systems, and questioning systems. We offer Pluralkit AND Tupperbox for systems Lofi Bot for chill beats Poketwo And much more!
EN English

Thunder Bandits

Online 57 Total Members 57 Online 57 Total Members
All 327 Total Members 327 All 327 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Hello! We are the Thunder Bandits, for now we are a small and relatively active community that focuses on war thunder, we hope you'll join and help the server grow!
EN English

The **** Enthusiasts

Online 5 753 Total Members 5 753 Online 5 753 Total Members
All 46 865 Total Members 46 865 All 46 865 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Looking for a social **** server? Come join us! Wanna chill with us cool people who talk about anime and games? Come join us! 51,000+ members
EN English

Docendo discimus — En, Ru

Online 13 Total Members 13 Online 13 Total Members
All 102 Total Members 102 All 102 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
The hobby group "Docendo discimus" (Latin: We learn by teaching) brings together people who are eager to exchange knowledge from various fields of science and creativity. Or secret fundamental knowledge about the world... People for whom "culture is memory" (Yu. Lotman). Memory, thanks to which we are where we are. With freedom, equality and wealth. Do you want to argue with me or tell me something? Please! Welcome to our community!
EN English


Online 22 Total Members 22 Online 22 Total Members
All 105 Total Members 105 All 105 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
🔞 ELA ONE official discord server - NSFW games & art! A hub of creativity and fun! Come and join us!
EN English

Eye of Unity ($EYES)

Online 73 Total Members 73 Online 73 Total Members
All 1 472 Total Members 1 472 All 1 472 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
🔀 Play Trade Invest 🎪 VR & Game Art NFT Collections: 💎 https://opensea.io/collection/eye-of-unity https://discord.gg/4KeKwkqeeF https://opensea.io/eyeofunity https://rarible.com/eyeofunity https://magiceden.io/u/eyeofunity 🕹 #Discord: 🌐 https://discord.gg/4KeKwkqeeF 🛹 #Telegram: 📨 https://t.me/gameartnft 🚀 #Facebook: 🥃 https://facebook.com/vrnfts 🪞 #Instagram: 🧃 https://instagram.com/meteyeverse 📹 #Tiktok: ⏰️ https://tiktok.com/@EyeOfUnity 🪩 Live Mint Links: https://eyeofunity.com 🪙 https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-eyes 😐 https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-emoji 😻 https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-pet 🍦 https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-item 💍 https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-loot 🧝‍♀️ https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-avatar ⛅️ https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-btcc 🏎 https://EyeOfUnity.com/mint-racecar 🏪 https://techgenstore.com 🌍 https://meteyeverse.com 👫 https://000arcade.com 🎰 https://00arcade.com 🎲 Type / to Play 🃏Blackjack🏖️Pokemon⚔️RPG
EN English

TopBulls Investments | #1 Top Investment Group

Online 30 Total Members 30 Online 30 Total Members
All 171 Total Members 171 All 171 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
TopBulls Investment is dedicated to helping you achieve financial success with minimal effort on your part. Our group provides exclusive weekly calls that have the potential to outperform the S&P 500 and traditional index funds over time. By partnering with us, you can take advantage of expert-driven strategies designed to grow your wealth, all while reducing the stress and time required to research and analyze investments yourself. We offer carefully curated calls on both stocks and cryptocurrencies, backed by a team of seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge in the investment field. Our goal is to build a well-balanced portfolio that maximizes returns while managing risk effectively. With TopBulls, you can invest confidently, knowing that your money is in the hands of experts who are dedicated to delivering results. What is our mission? Our mission is we want everyone to build wealth over time by building up their selected portfolio with us (? Beating the average SP500 and Index Funds is also one of our goal). We want people to get great results and returns from us and retire quicker by using us instead of other advisors. The Benefits with us : We do weekly calls for either stocks or crypto, which helps build up our portfolio and create a greater return (We are also a team of professionals). This allows us to have a balanced growth potential and a blend of stocks and cryptos allows us to optimize the ROI and reduce the risk Our goal is to beat the SP 500 and Index Funds in investments, so far our results shows. This allows you create wealth faster and protect you against inflation in this economy. Spend less time stressing if you are placing your money in the correct spots, we do high quality research for you (and optimizing on our strategies daily) Start small, but you can always scale as you grow your income in real life. Exclusive market insights, allows you to know why we are investing in our projects. Low risks, the only risks you have is not taking this opportunity and building wealth for your future Quarterly reports for our calls, so people can know our track record Why we created this : The creation of TopBulls Investment Group wasn’t born out of a simple business idea – it was a personal mission. Like many, I started my investing journey by following traditional advice: invest in index funds, play it safe, and trust the long-term process. While that’s a solid strategy, I quickly realized that it wasn’t enough. I watched as the market evolved, with new opportunities in stocks and cryptocurrencies emerging daily. The financial landscape was changing, and I knew there had to be a way to stay ahead of the curve – to truly grow wealth, not just match market averages.My turning point came after a few personal breakthroughs. I had started researching heavily, digging into not only stocks but also the emerging world of crypto, and I found myself consistently outperforming the market. I realized that with the right strategy and knowledge, it was possible to achieve returns far beyond what the S&P 500 and index funds offered. But it wasn’t just about my success. Friends, colleagues, and acquaintances started asking me for advice, noticing my gains. I saw how many people were either too busy or too overwhelmed by the amount of information out there to take advantage of these opportunities. They wanted to invest, but didn’t have the time or confidence to dive deep into the research themselves. That’s when the idea hit me: why not create a group that could do the heavy lifting for people? A group that not only offered curated, well-researched investment calls, but also provided an opportunity for others to build wealth and beat the market without dedicating all their time to it. I wanted to take what I had learned – the tools, the strategies, the insights – and create a community where others could benefit. I formed TopBulls Investment to empower people to grow their wealth and take control of their financial future. Our mission is simple: to provide expertly guided stock and crypto recommendations that consistently outperform the broader market, while building a portfolio designed for optimized returns. We do the hard work of research and analysis, so our members can focus on what matters – achieving financial freedom and creating a secure future. This group is more than just about money; it’s about creating opportunity, sharing knowledge, and making investing accessible to everyone. TopBulls was built to give you the tools and the confidence to succeed, with a team of experts behind you every step of the way. It’s a place where we don’t just follow the market – we aim to lead it. TopBulls Investment: Build Wealth, Beat the Market, Secure Your Future! We have Results In Our Discord Group If You want to Ask Any Questions (We have a outstanding return of the highest Investment callouts of 9750%, and we have clean track record recorded), Feel Free To Check If It's Listed On Discord Before Asking. I will be happy to help!
EN English

Find Your Guild

Online 32 Total Members 32 Online 32 Total Members
All 89 Total Members 89 All 89 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
The best place to find and post Discord Guilds! Get an exclusive and shiny Guild tag next to your name! Go to our invites channel and look for the tag you want.
EN English


Online 23 Total Members 23 Online 23 Total Members
All 85 Total Members 85 All 85 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
A server built around a memecoin! 🌱 Ikigai Coin 🌱 | Where Purpose Meets Prosperity | Find Your Joy & Invest Smartly | Embracing Community, Security, & Growth. You’ll find us at the intersection where crypto meets kindness and where personal growth and financial growth combine. The new Meta and it's a good Meta.
EN English

Bloxfruits Trading Hub

Online 37 Total Members 37 Online 37 Total Members
All 119 Total Members 119 All 119 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
My server is amazing come join for amazing blox fruits and robux giveaways come join us today we'd appreciate it
EN English

Bunny's Gaming Den

Online 84 Total Members 84 Online 84 Total Members
All 332 Total Members 332 All 332 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
°○˚₊✧Bunny's Gaming Den✧₊˚○° 🌧️ SFW anime and gaming server 🌧️ ╭ • • • We offer• • • • ❀╯ : 🌸 Inclusive space : 🤍 Wholesome community : 🌸 Anime nights and movie events : 🤍 Active vc/chat : 🌸 Reaction roles : 🤍 Anime/manga recommendations : 🌸 And more! ╰ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ❀╮ °○ 🌸 🔗 Discord: https://discord.gg/QcsjuYAArV ₊˚・ °○ 🌸 🔗 Banner: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/878095181721772052/1237204668141273229/IMG_2066.png?ex=663acc23&is=66397aa3&hm=8923cffc9836cae74d6823e211bd9a51e47f155bcf44d7113ddf73e3c94832df&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=832&height=468 ₊˚・
EN English


Online 82 Total Members 82 Online 82 Total Members
All 360 Total Members 360 All 360 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Boost the server to help us get more emote slots. Best collection of pepe the frog in the FeelsBadMan emote style.
EN English

PEKKTAS Design・Order Design

Online 40 Total Members 40 Online 40 Total Members
All 1 834 Total Members 1 834 All 1 834 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
🎨 Welcome, everyone! I'm a multifaceted Graphic Designer specializing in logos, brand identity, banners, animations and social media. 📆 — I've been working since 2017. ⭐ — 250+ positive reviews. 🌎 — 300+ clients from all over the world. 🛒 https://discord.gg/pekktas | 🗄️ Portfolio
EN English

ĐɆVłⱠ ₥₳ĐɆ ₥Ɇ ĐØ ł₮

Online 68 Total Members 68 Online 68 Total Members
All 1 258 Total Members 1 258 All 1 258 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
We are a community where connections are made, laughter is shared, and the fun never ends. Whether you're here to chill, laugh, or just vibe to some tunes, you'll find your place among us.
EN English

🔥 ᕼIᗪEOᑌT🔥

Online 39 Total Members 39 Online 39 Total Members
All 843 Total Members 843 All 843 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
We are a community where connections are made, laughter is shared, and the fun never ends. Whether you're here to chill, laugh, or just vibe to some tunes, you'll find your place among us.
EN English

Tools hub

Online 6 Total Members 6 Online 6 Total Members
All 7 Total Members 7 All 7 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Сервер адаптированный для ангийской аудитории (теперь и для русской). Здесь можно найти разные программы. Сервер находится на начальном этапе развития. Однако если вы пришлёте интересные программы (желательно с GitHub), то этот сервер позволит пользователям изучать новые программы.
EN English

Russian Orthodox Christian Server Abroad

Online 82 Total Members 82 Online 82 Total Members
All 529 Total Members 529 All 529 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
The purpose of the site is to introduce people to the Orthodox Faith and its teachings, and for those who are churched, to give more spiritual resources. Here are published: official articles, spiritual books, important links to sources. Ask questions that concern you and get answers. Topics of the server: the salvation of the human soul, perfection in God, its sanctification, the importance of prayer for the living and the dead, the lives and teachings of the saints, reading the Bible and its correct interpretation, the prophecies of the saints, what an Orthodox Christian should be like, the importance of regularly attending services in the temple and resorting to its saving sacraments, understanding what is happening in the church, much more... We have interesting articles on various topics.
EN English

Sell and Buy TikTok accounts

Online 72 Total Members 72 Online 72 Total Members
All 737 Total Members 737 All 737 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Welcome to our Discord server for buying and selling TikTok accounts! On our server, you can: Buy and sell TikTok accounts: Find trusted sellers and buyers, ensuring safe and reliable transactions. Share experiences and tips: Communicate with other members, share your knowledge, and receive valuable advice on promoting and growing accounts. Participate in promotions and contests: Enjoy great bonuses and take part in exciting events that will help you develop your TikTok projects. Receive support: Our team is always ready to help you with any questions or issues related to buying and selling accounts. Join us to buy and sell TikTok accounts profitably, find like-minded people, and get useful tips for developing your projects. We look forward to having you in our community!
EN English

ReoNa🐾 | ALIVE

Online 147 Total Members 147 Online 147 Total Members
All 644 Total Members 644 All 644 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Welcome to the unoffical ReoNa fan server, a server dedicated to ReoNa aka Kanzaki Elza
EN English

Your Favorite Things

Online 191 Total Members 191 Online 191 Total Members
All 944 Total Members 944 All 944 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Hello and welcome to the Aimer Discord server. Aimer is a Japanese pop singer with amazing voice and amazing fans. People who love her, people who are not familiar with her -- everyone is welcome!
EN English


Online 29 Total Members 29 Online 29 Total Members
All 140 Total Members 140 All 140 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
hey bich. we're creating an amzing nsfw social network! if you wanna be part of this quest, check out my discord server. https://discord.gg/se3bhuE
EN English

The Advertisement Server

Online 1 190 Total Members 1 190 Online 1 190 Total Members
All 2 036 Total Members 2 036 All 2 036 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
A place to advertise your discord servers Sections to advertise twitch stream, youtube twitter, instagram, professional services...and more! Weekly Steam giveaways and other rewards!
EN English

Da Resort

Online 116 Total Members 116 Online 116 Total Members
All 407 Total Members 407 All 407 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
An 18+ server recently opened to the public. Active and Rapidly Growing Community Custom role colors, level roles, and self assignable roles Music, Game and Economy Bots Many NSFW Sections, for all kinks! Art, Photography, Sefies, Memes...and much more Events & Giveaways
EN English


Online 305 Total Members 305 Online 305 Total Members
All 634 Total Members 634 All 634 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
☀ we're a very friendly and loving chill community of people just trying to have fun ☽ ⇋ what we offer ⇌ ♤ many bots and a high level of moderation ♤ ♤ zero tolerance for toxicity ♤ ♤ aspects of cgl but also very welcoming of other people ♤ ♤ well managed and organized channels ♤ ♤ variety of media and nsfw media channels ♤ ✿ come join us and have relaxing time we'll be glad to have you ❦
EN English

The HRP Community

Online 609 Total Members 609 Online 609 Total Members
All 6 866 Total Members 6 866 All 6 866 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
This server is the official chatroom for the Hitler Rants Parodies YouTube channel. We discuss all sorts of things here, have games and roleplaying.
EN English


Online 2 Total Members 2 Online 2 Total Members
All 21 Total Members 21 All 21 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Bonjour/Bonsoir Nous somme un hébergeur de bot discord (pour les moments) :question: Hébergement BOT c'est quoi :question: :mega: - Hébergement de BOT Discord ! :credit_card: - Service pas chère ! :desktop: - Nos machines sont totalement sûre et sécurisée :shield: - Un Staff Actif près à vous aidée ! :warning: Nous avons INTERDICTION de soi vendre votre token ou modifier les fichiers du bot, Si jamais ça arrive vous êtes totalement remboursée :warning: :question:Information:question: Nous fonctionnant par système de contrats soit de 1 mois ou 1 an vous devrait le respecter et les payements se font par Paypal en début de mois Pour vérifier votre compte ainsi que pour avoir une assurance nous vous relèverons 5 euros que nous vous rendrons à la fin du contrat Nos services sont payants mais si vous invitez plus de 20 personnes nous vous offrons 1 semaine d'hébergements Recrutement Partenaire : [:white_check_mark:] Recrutement Staff : [:white_check_mark:] l'invitation du serveur : https://discord.gg/HhSfrk7 Cordialement Le staff
EN English

🌹╏Heiwana - Friends & Chill

Online 136 Total Members 136 Online 136 Total Members
All 179 Total Members 179 All 179 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
We are a happy, safe community featuring fun activities in a family-friendly atmosphere. You can play with the bots, join in on giveaways and events, or just chat. Give us a try! You won't regret it!
EN English


Online 5 Total Members 5 Online 5 Total Members
All 20 Total Members 20 All 20 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Witaj! Serwer został utworzony z myślą o użytkownikach. Wszystko zostało dobrze spersonalizowane. Publiczność serwera jest miła i pomocna. Posiadamy aktywny główny chat tekstowy. Zapraszamy!
EN English


Online 29 Total Members 29 Online 29 Total Members
All 262 Total Members 262 All 262 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
This is a Discord server dedicated for the fans of "Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai", also known as "KimiSui" for short or "I want to eat your pancreas" in English.
EN English

De Nederlandse VoetbalKantine

Online 10 Total Members 10 Online 10 Total Members
All 23 Total Members 23 All 23 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Onze voetbalkantine staat open voor iedereen die van voetbal houd! Kies je eigen team en blijf op de hoogte van updates Wat bieden wij?: 📜 - Realtime voetbal nieuws 📜 - Wedstrijd voorspellen van de KNVB Beker en de eredivisie! 📜 - Gezellig met iedereen praten over voetbal 📜 - En nog veel meer! Join gezellig met andere mensen! ❓ - Opzoek naar mensen voor onze pers. (Bijhouden van updates van de club, transfers, a.s. wedstrijd of gewoon iets leuks over je club wat je wil delen! ❓
EN English


Online 8 Total Members 8 Online 8 Total Members
All 29 Total Members 29 All 29 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello HelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
EN English

Kiwibot Support & Lounge

Online 145 Total Members 145 Online 145 Total Members
All 201 Total Members 201 All 201 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Hey there! Nitronix, the multifunctional Verified Discord bot is the most powerful bot on Discord. With over 350 commands, we are moderating your server, and ensuring the safety of all your members! We support over 22 Modules you can use. A few of them (The most used) are listed below.<br> 🔨 Moderation 🔨 🌐 Utility 🌐 🕹 Gambling 🕹 💵 Economy 💵 And 🔨 Configuration 🔨 Well, we hope we can make your server grow with one of these 😃 We hope to see Nitronix soon in your server and to make sure you will keep up to date, we have some resources for you who you can use.<br> Support: https://nitronixbot.org/server Website: https://nitronixbot.glitch.me Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nitronixbot See you soon!
EN English


Online 71 Total Members 71 Online 71 Total Members
All 285 Total Members 285 All 285 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Welcome to the Inorin (Minase Inori) fan server.
EN English

❄ Little Pets Palace 18+

Online 200 Total Members 200 Online 200 Total Members
All 619 Total Members 619 All 619 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
We are a small friendly server that caters to people with an interest in BDSM, Petplay & DDLG. We are just starting out so are fairly small but we are hoping to grow so we hope you stick around to watch the progress of the server. We are open to all feedback and suggestions you may have, if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact the server's Admin staff or use our feedback and suggestion channel! We have a few rules on this server that we expect to be followed to make this a safe and happy place for all!
EN English

Church of Aigis

Online 64 Total Members 64 Online 64 Total Members
All 270 Total Members 270 All 270 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
A Aigis appreciation server about Persona especially P3 but also we have anime, gaming, memes, music, etc. Plus Aigis is our precious bean. Enjoy your stay. I have nothing else to stay because I don't know what else to stay. I join guess.
EN English

🌌┃Nevermore Project

Online 37 Total Members 37 Online 37 Total Members
All 172 Total Members 172 All 172 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Hi! Its RUSSIAN server
EN English

Spike's Gaming Discord

Online 6 Total Members 6 Online 6 Total Members
All 78 Total Members 78 All 78 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Spike's Gaming Discord is a Growing Gaming Community. Also has the community from the Owner Spike's YouTube channel. Make sure to join today to make some new friends! :D
EN English


Online 11 Total Members 11 Online 11 Total Members
All 13 Total Members 13 All 13 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
Bonjour/bonsoir à tous ! Si vous avez envie de rejoindre une communauté naissante qui parle de tout, qui accepte tout le monde et qui surtout ne juge personne vous frappez à la bonne porte ! Lisez bien les règles lors de votre venue en espérant que vous resterez longtemps parmi nous. La grande famille vous attend ! (n'oubliez pas de bien lire les règles ;) )
EN English


Online 12 Total Members 12 Online 12 Total Members
All 27 Total Members 27 All 27 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
My server Russian
EN English

DC-Marvel Universe

Online 63 Total Members 63 Online 63 Total Members
All 793 Total Members 793 All 793 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
We are a big community based on the DC and Marvel Universe, where you can discuss your favorite comics, shows, movies, and characters! Chats can range from leaks, updates, theories, rants, and even debates. Got a funny meme? Send it! Enjoy talking or playing games? We got you. Still considering? There is a lot more to see when you join! :)
EN English


Online 93 Total Members 93 Online 93 Total Members
All 362 Total Members 362 All 362 Total Members
In voice 0 Total Members 0 In voice 0 Total Members
─────── Darkrai's Nightmare─────── We are an active community server that loves everyone that joins! We have everything needed to have fun and a good time! We have bots from pokecord to Dank Memer! Our main preference is pokemon, but that's not all we are about! We Offer: -All sorts of bots! -Fair events -Pokecord Gyms -Spam specific channels -Free roles! -Giveaways for all the bots in the server -A custom server bot and lots of fun! Come join in on the Nightmare!
Monitoring Discord servers - a place to search for servers from all over the world! A large catalog will help you quickly find a server in the appropriate category: anime, games, technology, music, role play, fun and other interesting tags are waiting for you. Find your discord server directly in our server list.

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