CryptoProtectionClub — Дискорд Сервер

О сервере CryptoProtectionClub

ID: 944691701015011368 | Владелец: @burberryprorsum#0
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CryptoProtectionClub — Дискорд Сервер

Описание Сервера

Hi! You don’t know who am I, but I know everything about you (maybe a little bit more) I won’t give you my personal information, it isn’t my goal. “What are you going to talking about?”-you can ask. Don’t hurry. You will understand everything…soon… Hold your horses and take me seriously!

 So, I’m ready to start. Let’s go to the beginning of my story.

 Some decades ago, our colony began to feel problems with the survival, but my story won’t be about this.

 The event what I want to talk about recently happened in the 2019, but these consequences prevent us from living nowadays. Now then, there was beginning a disastrous event for all Australia - amount of destruction fires. 

 One wonderful sunny day, I woke up awaiting new day, as I usually did. By the way, I had a little bit more plans for a day, than to chew eucalyptus leaves, but I won’t tell you about them, because I have made a promise not to share the personal information. Here you go, I have distracted again, so, come on to the point now.

 As I have already said, there was usually weekday. Suddenly I had smelled a smoke. 

“There isn’t anything unusual…”, - thought I “…my neighbors decided to have eucalyptus BBQ”. I don’t have to pay tribute attention, although I do.

 Some time ago, the smell was going more terrible and stronger. Exactly in that moment I started understanding that something is going wrong, because I hadn’t heard funny screams from the southwest. The moment later, I had heard sounds of the wildest fear. I didn’t have any time to change my mind! When I was looking up, I didn’t see clear sky, than a few minutes earlier. At that moment, I realized that something terrible was happening. 

 The screams was getting closer, there wasn’t fresh air to the normal breathing.I had realized, that there will be a lot of consequences.

“There wasn’t anything serious, if you tell us this story”,-you can think. You’re wrong. It was happened even more than you can imagine, but I’m lucky.

 Still I have to tell you a little bit about myself.

My grandfather was a gray man in his time. He was fond of wasn’t accepted in that society. However, my grandfather wasn’t one of those, who can quit his job because of public opinion. He had an idea - bunker. He made himself an underground laboratory, where he could work without prying eyes.

 I was lucky that at that moment I remembered my grandfather and his laboratory.

When I found how to open the secret room, there was a big amount of koalas. Entering the bunker, the guys and I understood that we were saved. We had everything to survive.

 We have lived there for 3 years, until 2022. During this time, everything was quiet upstairs. Our old home has been restored, but we couldn’t call him that anymore. We led a completely different life all these three years. We had other plans and goals at all.

 In spite of this, all this time we always remembered our brothers and thought about how to help them. Nevertheless, we also understood that without human help, we a powerless. When we was studying the human world, we became very similar to people with their own images, interests and habits.

Moreover, right now our team of 555 koalas has decided that we are ready to share our story and make our community even more powerful than before.

 Without your help, we won’t be able to achieve our goal and help our brothers! 

 You’re welcome! 

Статистика Сервера


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