Dev and Debug — Дискорд Сервер

О сервере Dev and Debug multilang

ID: 692024672149045330 | Владелец: devkeks#0
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Dev and Debug — Дискорд Сервер

Описание Сервера

Dev and Debug


Server name: Dev and Debug

Owner: <@477873607369031681>

Server region: Europe

Languages: All languages

Verification Level: Must have a verified email address on the Discord account

Security: 2FA condition two-factor authentication for moderation actions.

#1Structured Discord with nice users and bots.#2If the <#692329220122345552> are followed, no penalties are to be expected.#3Verify is mandatory with us, so we protect ourselves from planned raids and spam with automatic user accounts.#4In the <#932325376498233394> can be selected ranks, which are added after pressing the reactions. (Soon)#5In the right bar above, the user counter can be seen which shows us how many people are on this server.#6 In the <#932324398126485604> are all the new features and fixes to see which have been made.#7 Information is available in the <#932324669565075486> channel.#8 The <#932325133031444540> are very competent and friendly.#9 For all users there are of course also write channels, games, a support, an advertising/application and music area.

Статистика Сервера