Gecko Kids is a collection of 10,000 unique NFTs living in the Avalanche blockchain. The collection has more than 200 traits. Gecko Kids aim at making financial freedom more accessible by creating a community-governed ethical whale. Financial freedom and generating wealth are indeed the primary goals of every investor. However, the high-quality projects are too expensive to get into and at times it’s hard to tell apart a good project from another rug pull. Therefore, our focus will solely be on the most solid investments with a proven track record of generating value for holders. We have shortlisted several node projects, including $STRONG, $THOR, $COMB, $VPND and $POWER. The community will have the final say on which nodes are to be bought. We clearly understand that Gecko Kids will hold a large position in these projects and hence become a community-governed ethical whale. A whale that never sells, but only distributes the nodes to its NFT holders. Join the ethical whale!
GeckoKids NFT Node Academy — Discord-Server
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