We are TRON CIVILIZATION Creating solutions to the problems in this universe Tron Civilization is a conglomerate to make life in all industries upgraded/better. By: @Hugo Tron
• What is the purpose of Tron Civilization? Tron Civilization's main purpose is to create a new civilization that expands to the stars & creates the most technologically advanced and focused civilization with the most ruthless way to achieve technological growth as well the best civilization in all areas.
• Tron Civilization's second purpose is to advance technology in all areas and all industries without a point blank. We want to conquer every sector and redeem technology to the point of perfection. Innovate everything and everywhere with the most care and precision.
• Tron Civilization is in almost every industry and will soon expand to every industry.
• What are the Ways we invest with companies/parties/individuals? Yes we invest in important out-of-the-box projects. Different. Not copycat. Do you understand? We invest in companies/parties/individuals that actually want to innovate forward and/or create a bold new technology, we need and want proof of work and/or a prototype/detailed version of the goal so we can get started.
• Where can I apply to be part of Tron Civilization &/or get funded/supported or Support TC? You can apply in 📋apply.
• To get in the Mood Visit 🥇roles to view & assign available roles for yourself, there is no auto-assign role. Go to 📥support if you need backup. To understand your rights, check out our 📜guidelines. Go to our news/videos on troncivilizationofficial. You will be safe for your journey with Tron Civilization.
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Join Tron Civilization and be Elevated.